Starting January 11th a new series of classes in Bellydance (Traditional and Fusion) will take place at the beautifully renewed Ballam Studio.
Bellydance Fusion
Every Tuesday at 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm Intermediate to Advanced Level
A warm-up and conditioning is followed by drilling in the first half of each class. Then we proceed to keep our growth with the breaking down of technique, arm stilization (very much in the realm of fusion), layering and spins. Building up combinations that will culminate in an exciting routine to take home or perform with the group! Performing is absolutely not obligatory but there will be plenty of opportunity for those who wish to do so (we kept ourselves dancing in performances online and I can’t wait to prepare the next live performance). Sneak peak… word has it that my spanish dancing will be entering the house for the new season.

Bellydance Fundamentals
Every Thursday at 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm Beginner Level
This class will be covering all Bellydance Foundation moves. Emphasis in connecting with our pelvic floor, rooting ourselves and celebrating each individual as the expression of the Divine embodie. Come meet the feminine divine in form of dance! In this level we will also break down the technique necessary to execute the moves safely and joyfully and connect them with the energies in the body that make bellydance a magic dance form. Then we will put together combinations and build up an exciting routine to send you home dancing like a snake! This class is specially designed for beginner students, although is also recommended for those with some experience who wish to deepen their practice!

Bellydance Drills and Technique!
Every Thursday at 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm All levels
This class has been created by popular demand! One comment my students say to me repeatedly through the years is that they never though it was possible for them to do the things they do, and I know very well that unless a severe injury is in the middle, executing any bellydance step well is simply a matter of knowing how to, and have someone help show you that how and what to avoid…so here I am, ready to elevate your dance! We love dancing and we love learning new dances where to express our feelings…and it looks like we want more time to understand the technique, feel our bodies in action and master our moves! So here we come! Get ready to sweat and feel the joy of growing as a dancer as you move in ways you don’t know (but I do) that you are capable of. All levels are welcomed, I will modify the moves so you will be engaged at challenged no matter your level of expertise!

Bellydance Middle Eastern Style
Every Thursday at 10:30 am to 12:00 pm All levels
The fluidity and grace of bellydance traditional moves will be broken down, to be practiced and integrated into combinations and dances that are designed to make you feel like a Goddess! This class can be taken by Begginer dancers, as well as more experienced ones who wish to continue practicing and learning new steps from oriental and folklore middle eastern dances. This time we will bring the sensuality and strengh of other Latin dances to blend in with the bellydance moves!

I also offer advanced to professional level classes, which happen in a semi-private to private format. If you are interested in attending those, please contact me at [email protected] to see what would be your best match.
All classes are held at Ballam Studio.